Birthday Wishes


Emma’s last litter was born a year ago today. That means our Lucy is one year old along with her six brothers and two sisters. Lucy got her own birthday card in the mail today from her brother Logan. He sent her a poem courtesy of his devoted owners Janet and Andy.

It went like this…

Dear Lucy,

Remember when we were this little? All we did was eat and piddle.

Now we are both big and strong, and most everything we do is wrong.

But our Mommies and Daddies love us anyway, cause they know we’ll be really good someday.

Love, Logan.

Here is a photo of the Logan playing with Lucy this fall on the pool cover.


Thank you Logan for your kind words!

We also got birthday wishes and updated photos from Ollie and Denis and their Tucker.

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As well as from Barbara and her boy Tyson.
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Ken and family sent photos of sister Rosie’s Christmas.

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And their older house mate, Holly celebrated a recent birthday too!


Our golden friend Cindy sent her best holiday wishes along with photos of her special Kati.


On Behalf of Barbara and I, and of course our birthday girl Lucy, we thank everyone for their best wishes and photos. We wish many more happy years of golden adventures for all of Emma’s most recent offspring.

We hope that when we do Emma’s ultrasound this Sunday, we will have joyous news that another generation is soon to arrive here in dogville.